
Friday, January 8, 2021

The Idiots Rebellion

Is this thing on? First post since 2015. I’d gracefully conceded to the fact that my weekly thoughts and opinions were best suited for my personal journal. Handwritten in pencil where only my eyes (and occasionally my wife) can read them. It’s better this way. Keep them secret, keep them safe. If you never say anything controversial, no one will hate you.

Well, fuck that.

It’s 2021, Trump is less than two weeks from being tossed from office and a group of his supporters just stormed the gates of congress because their feelings got hurt. President Snowflake can’t come to terms with his election loss, so he decided (prior to election day mind you) that it wasn’t his fault, it was fraud. Despite 61 election lawsuit losses; recounts and certifications; he and his idiot child army continue to cry foul. I’m attempting to recall what they told us in 2016? Oh yes, get over it.

Sadly, if all they did was cry about it, I would not be writing to you today. But they did more. Mr. Trump did more. He whipped them up into an irrational frenzy of fake news and conspiracy theories and sent them marching down the National Mall towards Congress to “Protest” while the electoral college (fuck the electoral college, it was literally political workaround for the persistence of slavery in the United States during the founding of this nation) results were being certified.

To be fair, every American has the right to protest. But what happened on January 6, 2021 in Washington D.C. was not a protest, it was insurrection. It was an attempt to stop the counting of electoral college certification to overturn the election results. It was doomed to fail. But just because an attempt at a coup failed, does not make it less rebellious. I saw pictures of American citizens waving that damned confederate battle flag in the halls of congress. Never, even during the Civil War, has that happened. I personally consider anyone that carries that flag, or flies it at their home to be, in no particular order; an pillock, a lickspittle, a ninnyhammer, a mumpsimus, impotent, and also lets not forget a racist.

On the rare chance that a conservative is reading this blog, yes, I condemn all the violence and property damage caused over the summer during the Black Lives Matter protests. All of them. Violence is never the way. And, to address another point ya’ll seem to love to make, I watched the whole event live this week, from my home (working from home) on various news sites and Twitter feeds (from the protestors): I am certain without a shadow of a doubt that these protestors were MAGA diehards, not whatever left-wing extremist boogie man group you want to suggest. MAGA folks broke the windows and walked through the halls of congress and sat at the speaker’s desk and injured and killed capital police and showed the country and the world how stupid and petulant they, their leaders in congress and their dear leader really are. Not that Mr. Trump needed any help proving how stupid he is.

It’s 2021 and I guess I cannot just stay quiet anymore. I’m not making a promise to write here more frequently. I might; I might not. But this had to be said. So I said it. Go in peace and logic.

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